2015 - Qualifier Tournament FEB 6- 7- 8, News (Niagara District Hockey League)

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Feb 05, 2015 | Linda Knisley | 2755 views
2015 - Qualifier Tournament FEB 6- 7- 8
Niagara District Preliminary Playoff Tournament Regulations 2015

FEB 6 -  Teams must bring checks and their approved roster to their first game. 
Below,  read the full article for all regulations governing: 
   Game length
      Tie breaker rules

Good luck to ALL our teams,  play hard, play fair  and  have fun!  

Thanks Bob White
OMHA Regional Executive Member

Niagara District Preliminary Playoff Tournament Regulations 2015

Please find below a list of regulations for the upcoming tournaments along with the tie breaker rules :

Please bring your cheque and approved rosters to submit before your first game.

If you are using staff from other teams or at-large rosters you must present their approved rosters.

Game lengths are as indicated on each template.

Overtime will be played in Semi and Final games only.

Standings will be determined as follows 1 point for a tie and 2 points for a win.

All tie breakers after round robin games will be determined by bylaw 10 as follows :

Tie breaker if 2 teams are tied [i] play between/ among teams tied. If tied,

                                           [ii] the goal average of a team as determined adding the goals for to the goals against and dividing this total into total goals for . The higher percentage winning the higher position. If tied;

                                           [iii] most WINS ;if tied

                                                      [iv} lowest penalty minutes; if tied

                                                      [v]  coin toss

If three or more teams tied  [i] Play between/among teams tied if each team has played all teams in the tie breaker equally. If tied or NOT APPLICABLE  [ii} the goal average as determined by adding the total goals for to the total goals against and dividing this total into goals for. The higher percentage , winning the higher position. If tied;

                                                          [iii] most WINS ; if tied

                                                         [iv ] lowest penalty minutes; if tied

                                                          [v]  coin toss   Note : If as the result of applying the tie breakers the number of teams is reduced to two (2) then the next tie breaker will revert back to the 2 team format starting at [i]

In the event there is a tie after the 3 overtime periods the semi final game there will be a new game played in the time slot allotted for the final game . If there is a tie in the final game there will be another game played in the next available time slot as determined by the REM .